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So today I decided to try and update my website.  It's hosted through  It's easy to use and I need easy, let me tell you.  So, I'm all finished with editing it and ready to push the publish button when I forgot the most crucial aspect of the site! My music! So, the non-technical me tried to add music and well, it didn't work out so well. I'll have to get my web designer on that.  After I hit "publish", I checked to see if it came up in a search engine.  It did not.  I checked again, still didn't come up.  I was flummoxed.  (is that even a word and did I spell it right?!?).  Anyway, of course I thought it was technical dumb-ness that I couldn't see it in a search engine.  No, however, that was not the case.  I finally read the small print and it said it could take up to 48 hours for the site to show up in a search engine. So, it goes to show you, READ THE FINE PRINT!


On another note, I will be I am going to one of the storytellers for gutsandglorygnv storytelling show in October! I will be sharing the journey of my mental health. The show is titled “A Beautiful Mind” and will take place at the Wooly on Thursday, October 10th. Doors are at 7 pm. You can get tickets at  Come and hear me bare my soul!



Did you know:

Anxiety – the most common of all mental disorders – currently affects about one in 13 people.*
Source: The University of Queensland, Austraila


An estimated 40 million adults in the U.S., or 18%, have an anxiety disorder.*
Source: National Institutes of Health

Article: A measure of anxiety symptoms among children…
Source: Elsevier


What does all this research add up to? There are literally millions of children and adults who suffer from anxiety. 

That's why I believe "Wally and the Whatifs" is such an important read. It shows that Wally has anxiety in the form of "whatifs". And it shows how he works through it gradually and becomes less of nervous little boy and more of a calm, confident little person.


Consider buying a copy.

You can do it here:…/…/ref=sr_1_1…

Or here:



© Amanda Garrigues 2018

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